Broadcasting from Occupied Territories, War of the Flea Media, it’s The Reality Dysfunction podcast. A space where diverse a group of brown folk from across the nation explore the political experiences and the social future of our Xicano/Latino community. #Control the Narrative. #Resist the Dysfunction.

Monday May 06, 2019
Kurly Tlapoyawa: Mexikayotl and the war on the word Xicano
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
In this episode we speak with Kurly Tlapoyawa. Author and activist for Mexikayotl and the Xicano movement. Kurly is a founder of the Mexica Eagle Society and author of three books: We will Rise, Slipper Earth and Totacho: Our Way of Speaking. Kurly is a professional stuntman with an impressive list of movie and television appearances, directed his own horror movie and recently graduated the University of New Mexico with a degree in Anthropology. Among other sites Kurly maintains Mexika.org, which is a destination site for us with excellent information.
During this free ranging conversation we talk about Xicano identity, the role of archeology in helping understand the world and the importance of maintaining Xicano indigenous identity.
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Alex Yanish @bingbongvictory
Ernesto Mireles @ernestomireles