Broadcasting from Occupied Territories, War of the Flea Media, it’s The Reality Dysfunction podcast. A space where diverse a group of brown folk from across the nation explore the political experiences and the social future of our Xicano/Latino community. #Control the Narrative. #Resist the Dysfunction.

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
CoronaVirus WTF
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
First in a series of conversations bringing different voices from the Latino community around the in to talk about daily life in a pandemic. Our goal is to publish daily.

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Mayfield Brooks - Performance Artist
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
This is an older recording from last fall. I just forgot about it and am now posting. Excellent conversation about performance art, understanding the body and some about afro pessimism.

Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
In this episode of The Reality Dysfunction Dr. Ernesto Mireles and Alex Yanish speak with Berte Reyes a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Arizona in the Rhetoric, Composition and teaching of English program. In this episode we will talk about the nature of hate and how video games are being used as a recruiting tool by the far right.

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Milta Ortiz is smart, passionate about her community and showcases her commitment through the arts. Ortiz is a bilingual, bi cultural playwright, poet, and performer born in El Salvador. She moved to the United States at the age of eight and was raised in Northern California. She currently a director of the Borderlands Theater Company in Tucson, AZ., where she lives with her family.
I had some trouble with the recording so the first couple of sentences are a little garbled but its fine after that.
Here is the Wikipedia page for Milta.
Please share widely and feel free to leave comments. If you want to contact me directly you can do that on Twitter @ernestomireles.

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Oscar Medina - Raza educator bringing indigenous perspectives to the classroom.
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
In this episode of The Reality Dysfunction Dr. Ernesto Mireles and Oscar Medina a recent Ph.D. student in Sustainable Education and a high school teacher in Tucson, AZ., talk about their own educational journey and how bringing Indigenous epistemologies to Raza students is helping to heal the inter-generational trauma of settler colonialism.
Please DM me on Twitter @ernestomireles

Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
In this episode of The Reality Dysfunction our panel of Xicanx experts will be discussing the 2019 mass shootings in El Paso, Tx., and possible responses that could be pursued by the Xicanada.
As always you can DM me on Twitter @ernestomireles or Alex Yanish @bingbongvictory
Check out www.waroftheflea.org

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Dr. Anita Fernandez is the director of the Prescott College Tucson Center, located on the campus of Changemaker High School. Dr. Fernandez has been critical here in the state of Arizona in defending Mexican American Studies in the public schools and has helped to found the Xicanx Insitute for Teaching and Organizing (XITO) a professional development institute for teachers that is working with school districts across the country.
In this conversation we cove a wide range of topics about the attacks on ethnic studies in the past 10 years, the victories not only in Tucson but across the country and how it is more important now that ever for dedicated RAZA educators, artists, organizers and parents to get deeply involved who will be responsible for bringing ethnic studies to our K - 12 schools.
When you get a chance DM @ernestomireles on Twitter with questions or comments.
Also, check out www.waroftheflea.org.

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Nick Panlibuton is a Social Justice Community Organizing masters student here at Prescott College originally from the Washington D.C. area. In this episode Nick talks with Prof. Ernesto Mireles about his experiences working for the Painters International union this summer as an apprentice. How that experience expanded his ideas about social justice and brought home the necessity of theory in labor struggles. Nick is starting his first semester as a SJCO student and is currently involved in local immigration campaigns, and working with harm reduction organizations in the state of Arizona. Nick is Filipino, with a rich family history in activism. His fathers father emigrated to San Francisco in the 1930s. His family was part of the International Hotel eviction struggle in the 1970s, which brought students from the newly created Ethnic studies programs at San Francisco State University to aid in the fight.
You can check out Prof. Mireles at:

Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Adriana Abundis is a rising star in the Xicanx educational world. Working as a teacher in San Antonio, Tx., for the past eight year Abundis has immersed herself in the life and culture of that city. She is an emerging muralist who is creating visual resistance and opportunities for her students to immerse themselves in the history and cultury of their Xicanx community. She has led and created 3 inspirational murals on the West Side of San Antonio that stretch over 3,000 square feet and continues to create artistic symbols of indigeneity, identity and pride with her art network: Arte de Lush.
Please listen in on the future of Xicanx education in the Occupied Territories. Brave New Voices for a New Century.

Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Ernesto Vigil - Uncovering the FBI's war on Xicano/Indigenous movements through FOIA
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
In the episode of The Reality Dysfunction Dr. Ernesto Mireles and Alex Yanish speak with famed organizer/author Ernesto Vigil of Denver, Colorado. Vigil was a leader in the Denver based Crusade for Justice and worked closely with Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzalez during the heyday of the organization. In his early 20's Vigil was the first Xicano draft resister in the Southwest and has spent the last 51 years pursuing justice for Xicanos in the United States. In this episode Ernesto Vigil will be talking about his forthcoming book titled Decades of Deception: the American Indian Movement, the FBI and the death of Anna Mae Aquash. Don't miss this riveting first hand account fully documented by one of the foremost scholars on the FBI's campaign against Xicano/Indigenous movements in the United States.
Vigil is also the author of The Crusade for Justice: Chicano Militancy and the Government's War on Dissent first published in 1999. Below is a description of the book:
This definitive account of the Chicano movement in 1960's Denver reveals the intolerance and brutality that inspired the turbulent rise of the urban Chicano organization known as the Crusade for Justice. Ernesto Vigil, an expert in the discourse of radical movements of this time, joined the Crusade as a young draft resister where he met Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales, the founder of the CFJ. Vigil follows the movement chronologically from Gonzales's early attempts to fight discrimination as a participant in local Democratic politics to his radical stance as an organizer outside mainstream politics.
Drawing extensively upon FBI documentation that has become available under the Freedom of Information Act, Vigil exposes massive surveillance of the Crusade for Justice by federal agents and local police and the damaging effects of such methods on ethnic liberation movements. Vigil complements these documents and the story of Gonzales's development as a radical with the story of his personal involvement in the movement. The Crusade for Justice describes one of the most important organizations fighting for Chicano rights.

Wednesday May 08, 2019
Building Mass Xicano Movements: Challenges and Misconceptions
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
In this episode of The Reality Dysfunction Prof. Ernesto Mireles and Alex Yanish talk with historian Dr. Nora Salas and Daniel Osuna creator of the presentation 1492: Invasion or Discovery, 500 years of Indigenous Resistance. (https://youtu.be/qOgaK1UEJns)
This wide ranging conversation begins with the recent MEXA situation and goes through the necessity of building mass movements, the role of social media in building mass movements and the lack of leadership in the currenty Xicano movement.
We apologize for the sound on Brother Osuna's comments. We did the best we could and will work to improve it for the next time we have him on.
Check out our website:
Get in touch on Twitter with us:
Alex Yanish @bingbongvictory
Ernesto Mireles @ernestomireles

Monday May 06, 2019
Kurly Tlapoyawa: Mexikayotl and the war on the word Xicano
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
In this episode we speak with Kurly Tlapoyawa. Author and activist for Mexikayotl and the Xicano movement. Kurly is a founder of the Mexica Eagle Society and author of three books: We will Rise, Slipper Earth and Totacho: Our Way of Speaking. Kurly is a professional stuntman with an impressive list of movie and television appearances, directed his own horror movie and recently graduated the University of New Mexico with a degree in Anthropology. Among other sites Kurly maintains Mexika.org, which is a destination site for us with excellent information.
During this free ranging conversation we talk about Xicano identity, the role of archeology in helping understand the world and the importance of maintaining Xicano indigenous identity.
Check out our website:
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Get in touch on Twitter with us:
Alex Yanish @bingbongvictory
Ernesto Mireles @ernestomireles

Saturday May 04, 2019
Space + Time = Will : The Politico-Cultural Theories of Mao Tse Tung
Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
In this episode of The Reality Dysfunction, Prof. Ernesto Mireles and Alex Yanish discuss the applications of Mao's theory of protracted warfare to North American Indigenous struggles. They do this through the frame of the essay by Edward Lawrence Katzenbach, who worked at the Pentagon as deputy assistant Secretary of Defense for education and manpower resources during the Kennedy administration. His brother Nicholas deBelleville "Nick" Katzenbach (January 17, 1922 – May 8, 2012) was an American lawyer who served as United States Attorney General during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration.
Check out our website:
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Get in touch on Twitter with us:
Alex Yanish @bingbongvictory
Ernesto Mireles @ernestomireles

Friday May 03, 2019
'Left/Right - on the significance of a political distinction' Chapters 7 & 8
Friday May 03, 2019
Friday May 03, 2019
The last discussion on the master work Left/Right: On the Significance of a Political Distinction. In this episode we go after it, Freedom and Authoritarianism and the Book end chapter Polestar.
In this special episode, we go after the most nefarious enemy, THE CENTRIST...
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Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
A special episode! Alex Yanish and Dr. Ernesto Mireles sit down to talk with Maddox Wolfe about their organizing with the National Audubon Society, their theories of power and change, electoralism, and even a little about RED EMMA.
Maddox is a long time friend of The Reality Dysfunction and is doing great work nationally.
Get in touch with the Reality Dysfunction
Check our Website

Monday Apr 08, 2019
'Left/Right - on the significance of a political distinction' Chapters 5 & 6
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Third of a four part discussion by Prof. Ernesto Mireles and Alex Yanish on the book by Norberto Bobbio which investigates the importance of the Left/Right political distinction in contemporary politics.
In this episode the Reality Dysfunction works through Chapter 5, Other Criteria and Chapter 6, Equality and Inequality. Why is the distinction so confusing? Does the Right or Left have the monopoly on Equality or is it about how one defines what inequality really means? The conversation continues...
Check out our website:
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Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Reality Dysfunction: Conversation with Turiya Coll of Sonoran Prevention Works
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
The Reality Dysfunction sits down with Turiya Coll of Sonoran Prevention Works. We sit down with the Northern Arizona Harm Reduction Coordinator to talk about Harm Reduction and different ways of approaching people who use drugs.
#Harmreduction #Arizona