Broadcasting from Occupied Territories, War of the Flea Media, it’s The Reality Dysfunction podcast. A space where diverse a group of brown folk from across the nation explore the political experiences and the social future of our Xicano/Latino community. #Control the Narrative. #Resist the Dysfunction.

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
#78 - Dr. Javier Sanchez and why the Covid 19 vaccine is critical.
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Everyone here on The Reality Dysfunction podcast hopes you are being safe as the world works to bring this pandemic under control. We're getting out shots and we truly hope that when you opportunity arises you will too!
This special segment, the Dysfunctional Crew is pleased to present Dr. Javier Sánchez, who talks with us about why the Covid 19 vaccine is critical for the Xicano/Latino community. Dr. Sanchez is a family practice doctor for Southern California Kaiser Permanente and is an Associate professor at the University of California, Riverside Medical School. The crew talks with Dr. Sanchez about the COVID-19 vaccines, what we can expect from them and when we can expect to get back to ‘normal.’ Dr. Sanchez is also part the National Campaign #ThisIsOurShot which seeks to spread knowledge on the COVID-19 vaccines and how people can get it.
You can check it out here: https://www.nam.org/thisisourshot/ https://www.cvs.com/immunizations/covid-19-vaccine